Team GB
IFCS World Agility Championships


The IFCS (International Federation of Cynological Sports) is an international organisation who run annual World Agility Championships with the top dogs and handlers from across the world competing at the highest level.
Dawn Weaver is the manager of Team GB and FAB Agility hold the UK's IFCS membership, as such Dawn is approved to host qualifiers and send a national team for Great Britain each year.
We're lucky in the UK that there are a number of international events and national teams such as the WAOs (World Agility Open), and FCI (Federation Cynologique International) giving a variety of opportunities for competitors to represent their country and compete at the top of the sport.
So why choose IFCS?
IFCS is unique in that all team members compete in all individual classes meaning a minimum of 6 runs across 4 days (plus a chance of a team individual and/or relay run).
5 jump heights including a toy class for dogs 30cm and under.
Classes include the challenge of Gamblers and Snooker as well as standard Agility and Jumping.
Medals are awarded for individual classes, as well as Bi-Athlon and All Around
In 2023, Team GB topped the medal table with a total of 21, and numerous top 10 places
The following classes are held at the World Championships:
Gamblers: The handler chooses obstacles during the opening period and completes a gamble sequence set by the judge in the closing. To gain the gamble the handler must stay behind a designated line whilst the dog completes the closing sequence.
Snooker: Obstacles are marked as red or colour. During the opening handlers choose a sequence of obstacles in the order of red-colour-red - colour - red-colour, in the closing they must complete the numbered coloured obstacles 2 to 7 as set by the judge.
Biathlon: Combined results from an additional Agility and Jumping class.
Team Triathlon*: A combination of an individual Agility and individual Jumping class, plus a 3 Dog Team Relay class.
There are 5 height categories at the World Championships. These are fairly similar to standard Kennel Club height categories with the exception of an additional Toy height for dogs 30cm and under, and the height cut-off for dogs jumping 40cm is 42cm or lower (rather than 43cm or lower at KC).
IFCS Category | KC Equivalent | Dog's Height | Jump Height |
Maxi | Large | >50cm | 60cm |
Large | Intermediate* | 50cm or less | 50cm |
Midi | Medium* | 42cm or less | 40cm |
Mini | Small | 350cm or less | 30cm |
Toy | N/A | 30cm or less | 25cm |
* This means dogs measuring between 42 and 50cm will jump at 50cm at IFCS.
Manager: Dawn Weaver
Assistant Manager: Dave Russell
Senior Support Officer: Ceri Jones
On-Site Championships Liason: Chris Reading
For more information on the IFCS and World Agility Championships visit:

Qualifiers & Selection

Qualifiers are held at both FAB and 'Approved' (non-FAB) shows throughout the season with handlers competing for an invitation to the Team GB Selection Day in November.
The final team is chosen from those attending the Selection Day.
Qualifiers are open to all dogs and handlers G2 - G7. Anyone can enter whether you wish to be considered for the team or not. Courses are challenging and of a style and level that you will find at the World Championships. Qualifiers may include Agility, Jumping, Gamblers, and Snooker classes. Classes will be judged under KC rules (but are 'special' classes and do not count toward KC Grade Progression). Not all course types will be at every show - please check individual show schedules for details. Please note that whilst junior handlers can enter qualifiers to gain experience and enjoy the courses, the minimum age for Team GB members is 16 years old.
Full details of the new IFCS height categories can be viewed here.
There are two routes to qualify for an automatic invitation to the Team GB Selection Day::
Points league winners (via FAB Agility shows)
Wild card winners
Additional invitations will also be issued to dogs and handlers who've sought to qualify via either of these routes as outlined below.
1. POINTS (via FAB Agility shows)
Points are awarded through qualifying classes held at every FAB Show. At the end of the season (30th September) the top dog and handler in each official IFCS height will receive an automatic invitation to the Team GB Selection Day.
Others who've sought to qualify via this route may also be invited to the Selection Day based on a combination of the following:
competed in a minimum of six IFCS Qualifier classes at FAB shows (irrespective of whether the run was clear)*. This can be achieved by attending just 2 weekend shows.
total accumulative points earned
appropriate skills
speed and accuracy
*To ensure our FAB judges and their family are not negatively impacted by relinquishing the opportunity to run in Qualifiers on the day they judge, the number of classes they could have entered will be included in their minimum number requirement of 6. The Team GB management will also take into account that they were unable to compete and earn points in these classes when invites to the Selection day are issued.
Points are awarded as per the table below:
Awarding of points in Team GB IFCS Qualifier Classes:
Place | Clear Round | Round with 5 faults |
1st | 18 points | 9 points |
2nd | 15 points | 7.5 points |
3rd | 12 points | 6 points |
4th | 10 points | 5 points |
5th | 8 points | 4 points |
6th | 6 points | 3 points |
7th | 5 points | 2.5 points |
8th | 4 points | 2 points |
9th | 3 points | 1.5 points |
10th | 2 points | 1 point |
Unplaced | 1 point | n/a |
In addition:
There will be no points allocated to runs outside of the course time (time faults) regardless of placing.
Points are allocated to at least 20% of entries, or to 3rd place, whichever is higher.
2. WILD CARDS (via 'Approved' non-FAB shows)
Wild card IFCS qualifier classes will be held at the following 'Approved' (non-FAB) shows throughout the season:
Lincoln Agility Show, 26th - 28th April, DN15 9UF
Lincoln Agility Show, 16th - 18th August, DN15 9UF
Providing the run was clear, and within the course time, the winner of each IFCS Qualifier class in each height at these shows will receive an automatic invitation to the Team GB Selection Day.
Others who've sought to qualify via this route may also be invited to the Selection Day based on a combination of the following:
appropriate skills
speed and accuracy
competed in a minimum of one IFCS Qualifier class at an 'Approved' (non-FAB) show.
These qualifiers make the qualification process more accessible to handlers and dogs across the UK.
Why is the criteria slightly different for FAB Shows and Approved (non-FAB) Shows?
FAB Shows – (Points): qualifiers are held at every FAB show throughout the season, therefore those able to attend these shows in the South West have many opportunities to enter and earn points
Approved (non FAB) Shows – (Wild Card) – these shows are very limited in number and so it's not possible to earn and accumulate points
What is taken into consideration for INVITATIONS to the Selection Day?
As team members compete in all individual classes at the World Championships team management are looking for a final team that consists of dogs and handlers with a variety of skills. Therefore the following will all be taken into account when issuing invitations to those who did not win an automatic invite to the Selection Day:
Competed in a minimum of 6 Qualifier classes at FAB shows (regardless of whether the run was clear), or at least one Qualifier class held at 'Approved' (non-FAB) shows.
Speed and accuracy
Handling skills (including distance handling and tactical strategy for Gamblers and Snooker)
Consistency and overall performance (including accumulated league points / top scoring dogs)
Handlers who demonstrate team spirit, being supportive of fellow competitors
Handlers who value their dog's welfare and enjoyment of the sport
The selection day for Team GB for the 2025 IFCS World Championships will take place on 6th October 2024 at Hartley Wood, King Ln, Clutton, Bristol BS39 5QA. Selection day Invites will be sent out via email following the last FAB show in September.
The day will consist of a number of speed and skills tests. Final selection to the team will take into account performance on the day, as well as performance at qualifiers throughout the year. Those successful in securing a place on the team will be notified via email, but all those attending the day will receive feedback from Team Management.
The 2025 Championships will be held in June in Switzerland.
Those selected for the final team will need to attend two compulsory training days. The first will be on 9th Feb 2025, the date of the second is TBC.

2025 Points Leagues

The points leagues for those competing in IFCS Team GB Qualifiers throughout the 2024 season at FAB shows are below.
Points updated to 16/09/2024 - so include results from all qualifiers including FAB 7 - Sept show.
250s - IFCS Toy
(25cm jump height at World Championships)
300s - IFCS Mini
(300cm jump height at World Championships)
400s IFCS Midi
(40cm jump height at World Championships)
500s - IFCS Large
(50cm jump heights at World Championships)
600s - IFCS Maxi
(60cm jump heights at World Championships)

TEAM GB 2024

The 2024 Championships will be held in Bourgbarre, France on 30th April to 5th May.
Amy Bennett & Neva
Dave Russell & Vudu
Grace Williams & Ivy
Helen Roberts & Popsie
Abigail Doxford & Missfit
Babs Foster & Spry
Dawn Weaver & Chipmunk
Louise Godwin & Drift
Martin Tait & Tatty
Nicole Shaw & Bounce
Sid Gates & Dex
Tracy Allen & Magic
Alison Rowlands & Rolo
Babs Foster & Mach
Claire Chappell & Link
Mariann Bayliss & Betty
Rebecca Foster & Bindy
Sally Ann-Hunt & Sol
Cassie Bond & Boo
Dan Millwood & Time
Dawn Weaver & Yahtzee
Lindsey Spring & Bam
Mark Den Dunnen & Skadi
Sarah Crouch & Fire
Toni Smith & Febe
Ceri Jones & Turvyr
Lucie Hinchley & Tali
Sarah Williams & Edward
Stuart Doughty & Riggs
Sue Dennison & Chocs
Eleanor Balchin & Tengu
Nichola Aitchison & Looney
Ande Smith & Jonty
Dawn Weaver & Vegas
Tracy Ryan & Thorn